The Refugee & Immigration Law Clinic is part of the Clinical Law Program at the William S. Richardson School of Law. We provide income-eligible, specialized legal services to underserved immigrants in Hawaii and we train law students in the delivery of those services.
Thank you for visiting our Clinic’s website! Learn more about the important mission and work of the Clinic being accomplished by its dedicated staff, students, and volunteers and supported by the generosity of donors and community partners. Meet the members of our staff and Advisory Committee, keep up with our latest news, follow us on Instagram, explore the immigration law curricula offered to WSRSL students and learn how to contact us if you need information or assistance about an immigration law matter, are interested in volunteering, or would like to know more about the Clinic.

According to the American Immigration Council, nearly one in five people who live in Hawai’i was born in another country. Foreign-born residents represent a vital share of the state’s labor force: over a third of healthcare support workers are immigrants, as are nearly two-fifths of the state’s farmers, fishers, and foresters. Immigrants own over a quarter of businesses in Hawai’i. As neighbors, business owners, taxpayers, and workers, immigrants are an integral part of Hawai’i’s diverse and thriving communities. The Clinic was established to ensure that Hawaii’s most vulnerable immigrants would have access to legal services.

As a clinical program of the William S. Richardson School of Law, the Refugee and Immigration Law Clinic provides legal information and critically needed representation for those in our island community seeking refuge and asylum as well as help with other immigration issues. Our dream is to expand the number of WSRSL graduates practicing immigration law by providing educational and supervised training opportunities so that future “Richardson lawyers” can develop the knowledge, values, and legal expertise to become committed and skilled advocates in Hawaii and elsewhere. Your donation will help keep this dream alive. Mahalo for your support!